The trip went well, and the weather was very mild for Eastern Washington. We lucked out again this year with some very nice wind and pretty reasonable heat. Of course we still brought with us some fans and such to keep the buns cool after coming off the show tables.
Karli and I also got to see some of our good ol' friends again. I swear I did more chatting with friends than I did even showing and attending the rabbits for the entire weekend. But it was good fun seeing them, and also meeting several new breeders. Plus, my grand parents who live over in Soap Lake, WA came over to visit with Karli and I on Sunday, and brought us lots of good home cooked food! Thank you Grandma Janice and Grandpa Orville!
The banquet was also very nice. Between Karli and I listening to the Royalty and sweeps awards, Shonna and her husband shared some very funny stories with us. ^_^ Karli did well for her first year at the Royalty Competition and I am sure that she will do even better in 2009.
So finally I will post the show results.
For the chins. Considering that my juniors were still in baby coats and that my senior doe Zoli was moulting, I think the chins did pretty well. No legs, but they placed where I thought they would in the competition against the older, more developed juniors. I also picked up a buck and a doe from Scott, and he ended up taking M an' M's Cassidy, and M an' M's Kangaroo. So I am super excited to see how things mesh! Breedings will occur VERY soon!
For the woolies, it was quite surprising. I only entered 4. M an' M's Bebop, M an' M's Tootie Fruitie, M an' M's Zane, and M an' M's Demi (Ear Change for M an' M's Queen of Cartoons). Anyways, when we got to the show room Friday afternoon, I really didn't think my woolies would do anything. The hair was falling off of M an' M's Zane and M an' M's Tootie Fruitie's faces. M an' M's Tootie Fruitie, had also chewed off half of her coat, and M an' M's Demi was only 8 weeks old. So yeah things didn't look like M an' M Rabbitry would pull out many wins this year, but I sure was pleasantly surprised!
BOB Jersey Wooly: M an' M's Bebop, 7th leg
BOG Self: M an' M's Tootie Fruitie, 1st leg
BOB Jersey Wooly: M an' M's Tootie Fruitie, 2nd leg
M an' M's Bebop, Smoke Pearl Jersey Wooly Senior Buck
Also, Donna Williams took some pictures of the Best Of Breed animals up for Best in Show, and here are a few shots of M an' M's Bebop on the show table.
It was pretty surprising that Tootie Fruitie pulled out a BOB win out of about 30+ woolies. That was really nice!
Also, in youth M an' M's Fruit Loop, Blue Jr Doe took BOB for Tawnee. Congrats to both of them!
So, overall it was a super fun weekend filled with lots of good times with friends, family and good show results!
By the way, I have decided to apply for my registrar's license so wish me luck!
Until I post again,
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